Fungus Collection Instructions

  • Get 5-10 sterile cotton balls that are wet but not soaking
  • Place them in a zip-lock bag
  • Add 1 teaspoon of sugar to the bag and work it into the cotton balls by squishing it around
  • Place it next to your bed before you go to sleep
  • Upon waking in the morning and before you eat or drink anything, spit into the bag and onto the cotton balls about 8 times
  • Ziplock the bag shut after removing all the air and put into another zip lock bag and seal it, also with all the air removed
  • Put those bags into a paper bag
  • Put the bag in a dark place for 2-4 weeks (a closet, under the bed, etc.)
  • When you remove the bag from the dark it will look dark and gross
  • Bring in for testing